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Image by MK Hamilton

Common hypnosis myths

"Hypnosis puts you to sleep"

Hypnotic trance is not a state of unconsciousness nor sleep, but highly focused awareness.


"Hypnosis forces you to do things"

You cannot be hypnotised against your will as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are always in control and can reject suggestions that are not aligned with your beliefs and values.


"You'll let your secrets out"

Hypnosis is not a truth serum and you won’t have to divulge anything you don’t want to say.


"The therapist subjects you to their will"

Hypnotherapy is not something you do to someone; it is something you do with someone.


"You lose control"

You cannot get stuck in hypnosis as you are in control the whole time. The therapist merely facilitates the experience.


The mot important thing in changing human behaviour is the person's motivation.


Hypnosis helps the subconscious to get excited about success,

increasing our level of motivation.

  • Conscious and subconscious mind
    Research indicates that we can be consciously aware of five to nine pieces of information at one time. More than that overloads our conscious mind. There is, however, a vast amount of information that is continually streaming in through your five senses that you are not consciously aware of. Before reading this sentence, you were probably unaware of the weight of your body on the chair or whatever you are resting on. You were probably unaware of your breathing, objects in the periphery of your vision or certain sounds around you. Your subconscious notices and processes this vast stream of information for you, while you are consciously attending to whatever you are focusing on. The conscious part of our mind does not run the behaviour, feeling, or response we don't want, so the first step in changing that behaviour, feeling or response is to access the part of you that does run it - the subconscious mind.
  • What is hypnosis?
    A natural state of absorbed and focused attention, tuning out external stimuli. It is a powerful therapeutic tool, readily available within the human brain and often used without noticing – daydreaming, losing track of time, being lost in a book or a movie, driving on autopilot.
  • How does hypnosis work?
    You are guided into a natural trance state of intense concentration and focused attention. In this absorbed state, very deeply relaxed, your focused attention activates mental, emotional and physical responses to achieve positive life changes.
  • What does hypnosis feel like?
    Everyone is unique and different. Some people feel really light, others say they feel they are floating. Most people enjoy the experience and feel refreshed, more relaxed and wonderful after a session.
  • Can I be hypnotised?
    As with any other form of therapy, you must build rapport and a connection of trust with the therapist. All it takes to get into trance is willingness, attention and imagination. You can only be hypnotised if you want to.
  • Why does it work?
    The internal focus and relaxed state of mind bypass our critical judgement mind and let suggestions reach the problem-solving subconscious mind, where change is created. When the regular mental state is cluttered, hypnosis may clear the way for deeper processing and acceptance.
  • What are the benefits?
    There are many benefits, including general relaxation and derived benefits, as well as stress reduction. Stress is at the root of many diseases and disorders. Hypnosis helps gain insight into a problem and create the necessary changes for a more positive life. Hypnosis can modify old behaviours, help cope with strong negative emotions, deal with physical issues and enhance certain physical performance.
  • Why choose hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy has a recovery rate of 93% after 6 sessions, whereas psychoanalysis has a 38% recovery rate after 600 sessions. Hypnotherapy is an effective, brief-term form of therapy that uses specific hypnotic suggestions and techniques tailored to the client’s particular mindset in order to gain direct access to, and immediate influence upon, their subconscious, where positive changes originate.
  • How many sessions does it take to work?
    Each person is different; however it takes typically four to six sessions for long term positive life changes.
  • The key to a succesful hypnotic session
    The most important thing is to be fully committed to the therapy. No willpower is required, just the conscious desire and determination for change, whilst keeping an open mind. Hypnotherapy isn’t a magic cure-it-all pill and there are no guarantees, but I will ensure that we optimise the best possible chance of success by giving you the relevant tools to meet your goals and change strategy if needed.
  • Is online hypnotherapy effective?
    More and more research is showing that online hypnotherapy is just as effective as in-person sessions. Other advantages of online hypnotherapy: - It is safe as there is absolutely no chance of becoming stuck in hypnosis, or anyone overtaking your mind. - It’s easy to access, convenient and saves you time. - Some people say they feel even more relaxed and comfortable because of the safety of their own space. - After a session, you can further enhance the relaxation state without having to travel in your car or public transport. - If you are struggling with social anxiety, you don't need to worry about traveling and can make the first step towards recovery from the safety of your own home. - Maybe you don't want to be seen going to such therapy, and working online gives you more privacy.
  • How does an online session work?
    After booking a session, you are sent a link (Zoom, Google Meet) with instructions on how to join the video call. You will need: - A laptop, PC or tablet device with good sound and camera. - Headphones are useful and can help you tune out disruptions and focus. - A quiet place where you can relax and won’t be disturbed by family members, children or pets. - To turn off other devices so you don’t get disturbed. - The camera in a fixed position, not in your hand, so I can see your head and shoulders during the session. - To have a blanket nearby as some people find their body cools down when in hypnosis. ​ You should set aside 90 minutes for the initial session, to discuss your goals, what hypnosis entails and experience the wonders of hypnosis. Each follow up sessions will last 60 to 75 minutes. If we lose connection at any point, there will be a contingency plan in place. This will be agreed with you before the sessions start. (Please note: Some issues are not appropriate for remote work and some issues might require that a friend or family member be present).
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